20 December 2005

"done and done"

when i first heard this phrase from darren a couple years ago, i didn't really understand the need or logic of the repetition it involves.

[the conversation went something like this:

me: so you're done with grading?

he: done and done.

me: ...done AND done?

he: yeah, you've never heard that? i thought you grew up in the South.

me: but why repeat the done?

he: emphasis.

me: so you're saying that "done" by itself doesn't really mean "done"? it means half-done? almost done?

he: whatever it means, it's not the same as "done and done"]

now i think i understand it a little more. sometimes you're done with something, and you're just done. finished. no big deal.

but sometimes you're done with something, and you're really done. you're mentally, emotionally, physically so far from even thinking about that something that a simple "done" just won't do it.

it's like in high school (college) when you burn all the homework from a class as soon as you take the final exam.

or you destroy every piece of evidence of a relationship after a bad break up.

or you return sixty-four books to the UGA library after writing over 120 pages in 18 weeks.

se acabó.

done AND DONE.


DEG said...

I think you've got the hang of it.

edumangia said...

In my country we would have said "Le puse el moño" as in "We even giftwrapped it". I'm delivering papers as we speak (several, not as much as your 120 pages but 80 or so in total) and now the final test is ahead... a comparative essay about Christian and Zen Buddhist anthtropology... And only ten days to finish it off, or "ponerle el moño".

The Rock Lobster said...

Holy crap! 64 books?

jmg said...

Good luck with all your papers and your test! i'll have to start using the phrase "ponerle el moño"!

and i guess i should mention i didn't actually 'read' all 64 books, as much as 'skimmed' them for main ideas & relevant info...

secretsquirrel said...

yeah, i get it . . . never heard of it before, but with your explanation, it makes great sense. that's kind of why i moved out of southern maryland and out here to the hills in northern virginia.
dc crime, thugs, drugs, et al began to creep into southern md and there were no signs that it would ever stop. the people are rude, the housing prices ridiculous, and the traffic horrendous. i was done AND DONE with southern md - and now i'm gone :-)

Rebecca said...

Umm... Where did that picture come from??

jmg said...

Read above. We got a digital camera! I was a ninja for Christmas Eve...eve.

scøüpe said...

nice with the photos, frø. i think you'd make an excellent ninja assassin - you know, if this whole education thing doesn't pan out for you.

Rebecca said...

I watched the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol with family last night, and in it, one of the whatevercenturyitis British people says "done and DONE." I kid you not. Who knew it stemmed back to such dignified and literary roots??

I like Ninja-Jenna, though am still rather curious. Way to bring dignified to 21st century Christmas. :)