01 December 2005

the marshmallow buffer

somehow it keeps the hot in hot chocolate way longer than is reasonable, so that when you finally get to the chocolate itself, it burns every tastebud off your tongue, and (since you can't just spit it out onto your carpet) you proceed to swallow it and burn every cell from your esophagus to your large intestine.

and you can't even taste to enjoy the rest of it.


Rebecca said...

YES. It seems like such a good idea at the time, marshmallows on hot chocolate. But in the end, it's the only part you end up being able to enjoy. However, am glad you didn't spit hot chocolate on your carpet.

scøüpe said...

deceitful little buggers; they look so nice and innocent but really they are simply lying in wait to attack our unsuspecting, chocolate-craving tongues.
damn the marshmallows. damn htem, i say!!

secretsquirrel said...

i agree . . . they are evil incarnate. coyly hidden behind a soft and inviting exterior, they seduce you and lure you with a false sense of comfort; then WHAM!!! fire in the hole!!!!

and don't even get me started on the stay puft marshmellow man !!!!!!