21 November 2005


first, i'd like to thank everyone for their encouragement, chicken salads, smart waves, cookie cakes, prayers, quiches, peppy cd's, hot teas, etc. you guys really know how to make a girl feel smart & loved.

i'm not sure yet how i did on the exam, although i will say i was thoroughly prepared, thanks to said encouragement, chicken salads, smart waves, cookie cakes, prayers, quiches, peppy cd's, hot teas, etc.

since i turned in the exam, i've had the feeling you get when you stay up all night writing what you think is an incredible essay, only to turn it in and either A) forget what the heck you wrote or 2) think you remember and think it was crap and it only seemed good because of the delirium you were suffering at the time you wrote it.

i'll let you know when i get the verdict, which will probably be after Thanksgiving.

in other news, does anyone know how to get one of these to write papers in Spanish? i've tried carrots, leafy greens, and my weight in gold.

i even tried gorgonzola cheese, just in case the Wallace and Gromit story was for real.


Rebecca said...

I'd go for writing the paper in English and getting the online translation. Those are always pretty accurate, right?

But hurrah! for finishing comps!! And because you are SO smart, you will have passed brilliantly. Just wait and see. And have a fantastic holiday.

The Rock Lobster said...

Did you have to write your exam in Spanish? Also, do they make y'all do oral exams? Quals are one of the reasons I bailed on the PhD thing. But I suppose I shouldn't admit that because it makes me sound like a sissy. But really, having what little self esteem I have left squashed by a test just doesn't sound appealing.

I'm sure you rocked that test. Go Jenna!

jmg said...

sí, en español!

but no, no orals unless our written exams were lacking somehow--orals is your chance to still pass. for the phd, you do have to do both...

anyway, you should NOT feel like a sissy--i changed out of the foreign language ed program b/c i was dreading the student teaching. now that's sissy!!!

edumangia said...

¡Felicitaciones! Rendir un examen en un idioma que no es el propio no es fácil, aunque uno lo ame y lo goce como si lo fuera. Me alegro por vos. O, como diríamos en Argentina, ¡Aguante!

I don't think you can get that bunny to write in Spanish. However, there must be something similar in the Latin World: a Speedy Gonzalez battery-operated doll, perhaps?

jmg said...

that's it! maybe i'll get one for Christmas!

scøüpe said...

maybe next time try feeding it some cuban food? or maybe dangle a few rabbits' feet in front of it will persuade him to learn spanish.