30 November 2005

The longest 12 days of my life...

are over!

i passed!!!

thanks again to everyone for all your support.

most important thing i've learned from comps:

all my friends are apparently right next to their cell phones at exactly 6:54 p.m. on wednesdays. (thanks for the congratulatory texts!)

29 November 2005

This is just to say

I have recently learned two important things about William Carlos Williams:

1) he was half Puerto Rican, a biographical fact that is mysteriously omitted from most summaries of his life...

2) my well-read husband wasn't familiar with him, which led me to the frightful conclusion that many others also might not be!

so here are my favorites:

The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white


This is just to say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

28 November 2005

Ah, the library

two journals seven days overdue: $45.00

one journal, also seven days overdue,
mysteriously catalogued as "lost or stolen": $250.00

estimated cost of emergency surgery after
consequent heart attack: $75,000.00

Having a friendly library employee on your side: PRICELESS.

21 November 2005


first, i'd like to thank everyone for their encouragement, chicken salads, smart waves, cookie cakes, prayers, quiches, peppy cd's, hot teas, etc. you guys really know how to make a girl feel smart & loved.

i'm not sure yet how i did on the exam, although i will say i was thoroughly prepared, thanks to said encouragement, chicken salads, smart waves, cookie cakes, prayers, quiches, peppy cd's, hot teas, etc.

since i turned in the exam, i've had the feeling you get when you stay up all night writing what you think is an incredible essay, only to turn it in and either A) forget what the heck you wrote or 2) think you remember and think it was crap and it only seemed good because of the delirium you were suffering at the time you wrote it.

i'll let you know when i get the verdict, which will probably be after Thanksgiving.

in other news, does anyone know how to get one of these to write papers in Spanish? i've tried carrots, leafy greens, and my weight in gold.

i even tried gorgonzola cheese, just in case the Wallace and Gromit story was for real.

17 November 2005

'Twas the night before...

10:49 pm--at this very moment, i'm the smartest i've ever been.

i hope it lasts until 4pm tomorrow.

14 November 2005


Studying for comprehensive exams STINKS, but it is a great excuse to do the following things:

1) eat whatever you feel like, no matter the financial or health costs

2) take in whatever drug serves your immediate purposes: caffeine, alcohol, muscle relaxers (by prescription, of course!)

3) actually learn something "comprehensive"

4) buy "study shoes"

5) unabashedly welcome all attention, sympathy and reassurance of your superior intelligence from not-studying-for-comps-friends (hint, hint ;) )

3 more days!!!

12 November 2005

when will Georgia boys learn

red pants are not attractive on men. ever.

and niether are pink shirts, for that matter, except in very rare cases.

11 November 2005

just wondering

aren't to-do lists supposed to get shorter the more work you do?

because the more i research & study, the more research & studying i realize i still have left.

(and my bloggings are increasingly negative, too...)

take that, asheville

at 1:45 am, darren wakes me up saying "Jenna, get out of bed!", much to my surprise and alarm.

is there a fire? is there a some strange creature in the bed?

nope. there are deer about 10 feet from our window having a midnight snack. two full grown deer.

it was quite a sight at 1:45 am. after a few minutes in awe, i had to convince darren to go back to sleep, which he finally did when the motion-activated porch light went off.

07 November 2005


10:57 pm. chicken nuggets, french fries, cherry coke and 2 pages to go on a paper.

ah, yes...it's as if i were in college all over again...

oh, wait. i am.

when will this ever end?

03 November 2005


number of weeks until jenna's comprehensive master's exams: 2

number of papers jenna has due before said exams: 4

number of people jenna can hang out with before exams: 0

if i call you to hang out, please tell me no, what the hell am i thinking, shouldn't i be reading critical articles about the Spanish Golden Age or writing essays on the cultural transvestism of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic as shown in the novel Sirena Selena vestida de pena???

thanks. :)