28 October 2005

Top Five (or so...) Reasons to Study at Panera (instead of Hot Corner)

1. Classical music at a reasonable background volume (not loud, scary, feel-like-you're-walking-though-a-haunted-house-full-of-screaming-children-music)

2. soup in a bread bowl (not soup not in a bread bowl)

3. free internet and unlimited free coffee refills (not unlimited-free-coffee-refills-with-a-guilty-conscience)

4. managers that recognize former employees and give them free stuff (not non-managers who are too towny-cool to acknowledge that they recognize you, even though they take your order five times a week)

5. A. trash cans that are emptied regularly (not trash cans that are always too full to even precariously balance your empty cup on the top of the other overflowing cups)

B. friendly staff who bus your table for you (not unfriendly staff who don't)

C. running into normal people you know (not the weirdos-you-wish-you-didn't-know*)

*this category does not include Karen, Mitch, or...well, i think they're the only normal people i've ever run into at Hot Corner...


Rebecca said...

Geez, I miss Panera -and- Hot Corner. Not enough to come back, mind you, but I do miss them. Especially reading with Jenna at Panera, and harrassing her into talking to me instead of studying. Sigh. (On a side-note, I REALLY miss Schlotsky's, too. And Zim's. Didn't realize how dependant I was.)

jmg said...

instead of "dependent", i like to consider myself (and you)
enlightened and willful participants in the consumption of commodified ambience. :)

Rebecca said...

That's why you're my friend, Jenna.

scøüpe said...

hey, next time you're writing a 'top 5' list count out the items fiorst and just name it as it really is.
i mean, who do you think you are, douglas adams?

jmg said...

my dream is to be the next douglas adams...but i fail since i alert you to the contradiction with my title. :(

but anyway, the 'top five' thing is a subtle reference to High Fidelity (a great flick if you haven't seen it)

scøüpe said...

i actually thought about creating my blog in the spirit of that movie. most entries would be in a "top 5" format. then i thought that might be gleaning a little too much from someone else.

starbuck said...

i love top fives (for example: "top 5 hottest celebrities), i love every movie john cusack was ever in (for example: high fidelity), & i love things that conform to a predictable pattern (for example: scoupe's idea for a blog dedicated to top fives, or this post).
on 2nd thought, though, it's just toomuch work conforming to a pattern once you set it. even fro couldn't do it w/her blog...

jmg said...

if by "couldn't", you mean "decided not to in order not to be 'confined'"... :)