26 September 2005

"this day's been crazy, but everything's happened on schedule

from the rain and the cold, to the drink that i spilled on my shirt."

okay, so it's not rainy or cold, but i did spill coffee on my white shirt 30 seconds after i pulled out of the driveway at 7:15am.

moral of the story: stop being so lazy, and put a freaking lid on the travel mug.


jmg said...

correction: it is rainy.

corrected moral: stop being so lazy change your white shirt after you spill coffee on it.

Rebecca said...

It is rainy -and- cold, in my recent outdoor experience. But had I spilled coffee on my shirt today, it would have been close enough to last week, when it was hot and dry, and I spilled tea on my car and myself, and also sprayed gasoline on the right half of myself, oh, several hours later.

I feel you on not changing the shirt... It's a good certainty that I'm running late every morning - there's never time. I wear coffee to work frequently.

scøüpe said...

i don't enjoy unnecessarily wearing dirty shirts so today between work and class i stopped at target to buy a pack of white t-shirts to leave in my car for whatever purpose i might find for them. six tagless white t's for ten bucks.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how's it going....? I also have many tasty literary(or at least bloggerary) offerings on the web.... holla at me sometime! Heard you got married, congrats! www.myspace.com/telemaster

jmg said...

ah, so nice to know i´m not alone in this...will have to check out these target t-shirts. they sound like good bumming around clothes.

The Rock Lobster said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but I wear my coffee stains with pride. It makes me look more like a frazzled scientist, I think.

jmg said...

yes, yes. we the frazzled intellectuals...it does grant us some right to aloofness and unquestionability. (is that a word?)

The Rock Lobster said...

I'm not so sure that's a word, but it's the only one I can think of.

jmg said...

well, shakespeare invented words, so i think we're allowed, brilliant frazzled scholars that we are. ha!