11 August 2005

inspiring procrastination

should be an art.

and i should win an award for my superior blog-inspiring techniques. since i (finally) sent out an email about the existence of my blog, two new blogs have blossomed in the garden of cyberspace:


and they're wittier than mine. thanks. now i might have to pull some drama a-la-rob to get any real love.

in other news, we now have internet at our house. we didn't go outside all day. that's not true; darren went out a few minutes ago to check the mail.

we haven't actually been on the internet all day, although i do foresee more frequent posts in the future. we spent most of the day doing little things around the house, watching a great movie, and eating homemade mango-filled crepes dusted with powdered sugar and drizzled with mango syrup.

in other words, we trying to distract ourselves from the dreadful reality that school starts in one week.


Carrie said...

Are you being serious about the crepes?

jmg said...

totally. so easy to make! and they´re good reheated too.

want me to email you the recipe?

Rebecca said...

Yep, that's on the restaurant of darren & jenna menu when I come back in town. :)

Really, joking. (mostly.) I am SO impressed. We all know the best I can do is spaghetti with soap in the sauce.

jmg said...

okay, did that really happen? soap?

Rebecca said...

Oh yes, soap. AND - I served it to someone.

(This has actually happened only one time ever in my life. I generally think of myself as a mediocre to average cook, not a wretchedly bad one. I was quite embarrassed. But also fairly entertained. Unless my friend was lying, I'm the only one who got the soapy part in my bowl.)

The Rock Lobster said...

Hooray for procrastination! Grad school has made me very good at it.

starbuck said...

i once made a chocolate cake w/ shampoo...

jmg said...

was that the surprise cake for mom that you guys iced in the bathtub?

starbuck said...

it ws in science class. the shampoo can be used to replace the eggs as an emulsifier. it was pretty good too, as long as you kept stuffing it in your mouth (so to avoid the johnson&johnson's aftertaste).
that's a great anecdote, though. the cake in the bathtub & all. you should post it. just make sure & mention how i helped dad put up a fence that day.

scøüpe said...

actually, frø, you've inspired three new blogsites. i started my own yesterday @lazydaycafe.blogspot.com

i just couldn't resist the temptation to force other people to read my thoughts on things. but don't expect anything fancy or complete, yet - it's been less than twenty-four hours.