30 August 2005

papa needs to recognize.

Instance One:

"Thank you for calling Papa John's, etc...."

"Yeah, I'd like to order a large pizza with onions and bell peppers."

"Uh, we don't have bell peppers. Do you want green peppers instead?"

Yes, please give me THOSE peppers INSTEAD.

Instance Two:


"Thank you for calling Papa John's, etc...."

"Yeah, I'd like to order a large pizza with onions and bell peppers."

"You mean green peppers?"


Now let's think about this. There really is only one kind of pepper that resembles a bell in its natural state. It comes in different colors, sure. Green, yellow, red, even purple. But do you carry those colors at Papa John's? No. So is the modifier "green" really necessary? No.

However, Papa John's does carry various other types of peppers, all of which are greenish in color: pepperoncini, banana peppers, jalapeños....All much spicier than a bell pepper. And all green. But none were ever shaped like a bell, except the BELL pepper.

Now, let's take it a step further.

A quick search through Google images of "green pepper":

There's no telling what could end up on your pizza.

Now a search for "bell pepper":

Ah, yes. THAT is what I want on my pizza.


Rebecca said...

Maybe you should get some lowlights with your pepper.

You are SO much smarter than the Papa John's guy. It's good to know. :)

Steve Davis said...


I'd like a round-shaped crusty thing with some reddish sauce, white sprinkley stuff, little round red things, some sliced up black things......and something green on top.

You got that Papa?

Can I pay with anything green, or does it have to be money?


Carrie said...

Ah, the semantics of delivery-orders.