02 April 2008

April is...

National Poetry Month?

Apparently so--I just got the promotional email from Amazon telling me so. Does that seem ironic to anyone else?*

So anyway, I've been thinking about poetry lately, and how I used to "write poetry," and how so often that has seemed to me like a 14-year-old who wants to be in a band so he can, like, be a rock star, dude.

And I've also been thinking about writing in general, as in, hmmm, maybe I should just sit and write down all the things that go through my head everyday that make me think, "hmmm, I should write that down." Honestly, the only writing I've been doing lately has been reminders to myself about things to do and reminders to students about things to do, like "Please use spell-check" or "Where is your thesis?"

Okay, and I'll admit to being the real writer behind Will's blog, only because it would be a little repetitive if I were to transcribe his actual commentary: "Dat, dat, dog, dat, bear, duck, duck, dat, book, book, book, book, dat." But you see how often I manage to sit down and do that--he has even written about his awesome trip to the beach yet!

So anyway, in an effort to start writing again, I'm going to try to write something everyday. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to use this particular medium to do so, since half the reason I never really write is because I'm so self-conscious about it. I might even go old-school and write in a journal...we'll see.

As for today, I can now officially say I have met my goal. I wrote this.

And on a completely different topic: Happy Birthday to Chris / Uncle Best / Crawdaddy Long-Legs!


*that is, to anyone else who has read The Wasteland?


Anonymous said...

I think you should write here and who cares what anyone thinks!!! poo-poo on them!!! just tell them that you are doing it to entertain heather! and trust me...it will!

edumangia said...

Hi! It's been forever since I last read your blog... nice to see it's still alive and kickin'! And regarding this last post... get to writing ASAP! I think it'd be awesome.

jmg said...

thanks, eduardo! great to hear from you again.