04 May 2007

Some days are easier than others...

and so far, today looks like the Second-Easy-Day-In-A-Row.

other new moms (still getting used to that title) will surely understand that this simply means that baby Will is either sleeping or calmly entertaining his awake self. for the moment, it is the former. yesterday, it was the former practically all day long.

don't get me wrong--i love when the little sweetie is awake, and i have no qualms about cuddling him just as much as he wants to be cuddled. i mean, who could resist such cuteness?

but, days like yesterday are quite needed to maintain some level of sanity. yesterday, i was able to:

-straighten the living room (burp cloths everywhere!)

-clean the kitchen (even the floor)

-take out the trash (not my favorite chore...)

-change the sheets on the bed (even to my OCD standards)

-eat a real lunch (all four food groups!)

-unload and reload the dishwasher (did that while making lunch)

-wash, dry, fold AND put away 2 loads of laundry (that never happened even before Will came along)

-vacuum the whole house (yep. with our loud-as-a-lawnmower vacuum. while Will was sleeping. because Will is awesome.)

so, now you're all thinking i'm a neat-freak (or just really weird) for being excited about doing these kinds of things all day. far from it--just ask darren. i can tolerate messiness much longer than he can.

but, honestly, it felt great to accomplish something during the day, to be able to make a list (above) of quantifiable tasks that i had completed. it's a different feeling than thinking "hmmmmm, what did i do today? oh, fed the baby, burped the baby, rocked the baby to sleep, changed the baby's diaper, fed the baby, burped the baby...."

now that i think about it, it's the same feeling i got from knitting random things while working on my thesis and while trying to survive last semester (teaching 5 classes, the play, karate, being pregnant). knitting gave me something concrete at which to look and say, "ha! i made this! i have tangible proof that i have been productive today!" so now, that tangible proof has become a clean apartment.

and on a final note, i realized in the process that i am very thankful for 2 things:

1-that our apartment is so small. sounds silly, but i never could've cleaned the whole thing in one day otherwise. and then the feeling of accomplishment would've been greatly compromised.

2-my dear husband, who noticed the clean apartment not 2 seconds after coming home last night and kept complimenting & thanking me for it. i hope Will grows up to be just like his daddy.

so far, he seems well on his way (see darren's latest post).

(by the way, sorry for long gap in posting. as i said, some days are easier than others, and it's been hard to find time to squeeze it in. and i decided to just jump right in to talking about the present day, rather than catch up on everything since my last post. if you want more on what's been going on, see darren's blog.)


Anonymous said...

It's crazy how much newborns sleep, man. My sister-in-law would have to wake up my nephews to eat, and as soon as they were done, they went right back to sleep.

Will is cute! I still need to come see him in person.

Steve Davis said...

Jenna jenna jenna. Awesome! Just congratulations over and over again. So excited for you guys and hope to see you three in person one of these days if we ever get back to Athens. Your child is beautiful and I'm sure you will both be great parents. Best of luck with everything!

FYI, the guy who nearly got killed on Prince Avenue on his bike by a DUI driver last week is the brother of a girl we know up here at our church in DC. Nuts.

Rebecca said...

I'm happy for you! And "Yay, Darren" for being appreciative! I hope today -is- turning out to be a second easy day. Will is so precious.

Anonymous said...

I love this post! I am so on the same page as you about liking to be able to check off a list of things I did...although sometimes I think..."man, if I had a baby...I would be able to give a better answer when folks ask me what I do all day long..." lol
"contributing to the life of a child" sounds better than "managing our home"..lol

jmg said...

ooh..."contributing to the life of a child..." i'll have to use that!

you could say, "contributing to the life of my husband and community"!