19 January 2007

all quiet on the blogging front

yep, that's in reference to all of you people who are supposed to help me procrastinate by writing enthralling blog entries everyday...

i guess i'm guilty of the quietness, too....

nothing really to post, except that i have a hot date with my hot husband tonight :)

can't give any details about what we're doing because it's a surprise for him, too. all i can say is, what'd i say? for some of you (i.e., darren) that might be enough....


Rebecca said...

Tell me about it. What else is one supposed to do on a slow Friday afternoon at work than blog-surf?

Hope your hot date is a good 'un!

The Rock Lobster said...

Hey now, I do my part in helping people procrastinate. Although maybe I should help more by writing something other than mindless here's-what-I-did-today drivel. Hmm...

I imagine date nights would be fun. We always say we're going to do that, but then we just wind up sitting on the couch like big lumps. *sigh*

jmg said...

i must agree, mel, you're really pulling the weight of everyone else. and your blog is super entertaining, even the hour-by-hour recounts of your day!

as for big lumpiness, you might still be in the post-wedding recovery stage...or not--we have lumpy spells quite often, too. i think it's a function of being at an 8am to whenever job.

hence the excitement over the big date!

The Rock Lobster said...

It's funny--I wrote that then went to meet Josh at work. He says, "Let's go out tonight." Had a nice dinner, went to see Pan's Labyrinth. So hooray for not being lumps.

(But yes, I think we are definitely in a post-wedding-recovery/working-many-hours phase. Hopefully we'll get over it soon.)

Anonymous said...

how was the hot date??? I love those!