17 February 2007

hey, mr. kroger bagger,

why did you stop putting my milk in a bag? now, when i carry in my groceries, it takes a whole hand to carry just the milk, whereas i used to grab three or four bags with that one hand.

can anyone tell me if this is a trend throughout the whole kroger organization? do they do this at your local kroger? would it be rude to ask for my milk in a bag? i mean, i do recycle those bags, so it's no harm done to the environment...

moving on to other topics, is being rude and reckless a requirement to own a Toyota Sequoia? i can cite three different instances just this week to support this hypothesis. but i thought people who bought Toyotas were supposed to be smart and practical.

maybe it's because they're still trying to hold onto the american dream of driving a huge suv, but at the same time they're trying to save a little gas money? perhaps this internal conflict is what has driven so many Sequoia drivers to such completely asenine behavior on the road?

on a more positive note, all is well at the grem place. william has started playing a kicking game with us, i.e., when he pushes out his little foot, we push it back in, then he kicks...it's kinda like a foot fight, only we're just using our fingertips. very fun, indeed. also, we should have another picture of him this coming tuesday--this time in 3D!

hope all is well with you, whoever you are, as you read this mostly pointless and rambling post!


Rebecca said...

The kicking game - how very sweet and precious!!!

I agree on the milk thing. My complaint is that it makes my hand miserably cold.

Anonymous said...

at walmart they are still bagging everything...got me?! and toyota sequioa (sp) owners...yes, driving reckless is a common personality trait! I have noticed too...I never want to own anything bigger than an acura...lol..and yay for baby kicks!

The Rock Lobster said...

I hate milk. Blech.

taylor said...

1. I get my Kroger milk in a bag without asking, not sure what the deal is with your Kroger.
2. Toyota Sequoia is my dream car. Conditional to my family size and lifestyle choice. Otherwise, I am still a Jeep or VW girl.
3. My theory on why the ones in Athens are bad drivers is as follows: Metro-Moms moved out of their Toyota Seq. life season as their young ones headed to college. Cars were passed along. College kids suck at being polite drivers. P.S. the metro-moms now drive BMWs and are also rude, but get great parking spaces all the time.

Anonymous said...

At Kroger, we are not supposed to bag anything that has a handle (milk, bleach, drano, etc.), anything that is exceptionally heavy (cases of drinks, pet food, laundry detergent), or things such as toilet paper, UNLESS the customer specifically asks for it. I guess it's to cut down on the usage of bags.

Anonymous said...

we dont bag anything with a handle unless the customer asks or if its just big and bulky, but dont be afraid to ask for it in a bag just tell us befor we bury it please.the reason we dont put that stuff in bags is because kroger is a very greedy place that treats us employees like crap.. And please dont look down on us baggers we do probably 10 other tasks including bringing in carts(rain,heat,snow)clean all the bathrooms clean up your messes and manegments messes, we get all the trash in the store, we do go backs( things you decided you didnt want) sweep the entire store,propane exchange, carry outs and what ever else we are told to do oh not to mention after all that we are the only ones that dont get benifits and we get paid the least for probably the most work