15 January 2007

did you know...

that the Babies R Us maternity clothes section has no fitting rooms?

i thought about dedicating a whole post to that topic and all its absurdity...but i'm sure you can all imagine more or less what i have to say about it. i'm saving all my energy for the comment card i'm sending to Babies R Us headquarters. in case they actually read those things.

at any rate, i've thought about blogging several times lately, but the more i consider any potential blog topic, the less blog-worthy it seems. like the Babies R Us absence of fitting rooms, for example.

i did do a little reflecting over the last year and decided that, overall, it was one of the most fruitful years i've had in a while, though not necessarily the easiest. here's why.

in 2006...

-we had our first anniversary
-i wrote a 90 page thesis on Nuyorican poetry and mostly managed to enjoy the process
-i also managed to justify a 'research trip' to NYC for said thesis, with 2 of my favorite people ever
-i got a master's degree
-i rode the Goliath at six flags, probably the best roller coaster ever (while pregnant, unbeknownst to me)
-i started karate lessons
-i was in my first play ever (singing, no less!)
-i taught my first literature class, which was a relative success
-we conceived our first child!

not quite a top ten list, but i blame that on the decidedly UNfruitful summer teaching syllabification to third graders ("if you have one consonant between two vowels, first divide the syllable before the consonant and try a long vowel sound for the first vowel. Then, divide the syllable after the consonant and try a short vowel sound for the first syllable").

of course, we're looking forward to many more firsts in 2007, this time not quite so me-centered. first smile, first laugh, first tooth...we can't wait to see all these little miracles!

and now that i have done my new year's reflection post, maybe i will find more to write about soon. like how hysterically ridiculous Demetri Martin is. seriously, you gotta watch his new comedy show.


Anonymous said...

wow! I didn't realize it was you and darren's second year of marriage....that is great! and the first child is super exciting!!! can't wait to meet will.

The Rock Lobster said...

As far as blogging goes, I think it's more about how you write about things, not what you write about. Personally, I think your account of the dressing room situation at Babies R Us would've been highly entertaining.

Also, Josh quotes Demetri Martin all. The. Time.